Data solutions

One API.
Any Application.

Give your data scientists, analysts, and developers access to high-quality data by using Bavest's infrastructure.

Data coverage

High-Quality Financial Data & Alternative Data

Bavest gives you access to real-time prices, financial data and alternative data such as ESG & climate data. Integrate first-class data into your research process or applications.
Stock Data
We offer real-time prices, financial data, fundamental data and more for 70,000+ stocks worldwide with historical values since the IPO.
Sentiment Data
Our AI analyzes social media and news in real time and provides sentiment data for over 70,000 stocks worldwide.
Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Indicators
We use the PAI indicators to analyze the sustainability risks of your investment decisions.
ETF & Fund Data
We also offer real-time prices and financial data for ETFs and funds. Include real-time prices of various asset classes in your applications.
Carbon Footprint Data
We analyze greenhouse gas emissions from listed companies and supply CO2 Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 data for large, mid and small caps.
ESG & Climate Data
Bavest collects various ESG & climate data that you can use for your analytics or applications. We offer historical CO2 Data from 211 countries, greenhouse gas emissions data for sectors and further ESG & climate data.

USE Cases

Data for your Infrastructure & Applications

High-Quality Data for your Data Pipeline

We deliver high-quality data for your data scientists and internal infrastructure. This allows you to focus on your data pipeline while we deliver the data in the background. From real-time financial prices and financial data to alternative data such as ESG or sentiment data, we provide you with everything you need.

Develop your own Internal Analytics Tools based on our Data

Bavest provides you with the data you need for over 70,000 stocks and ETFs. With our portfolio analytics infrastructure, you can focus on developing new features while we deliver your data and analytics.

Financial Data for Training your Artificial Intelligence

An AI is only as good as the training data sets it receives. Take advantage of the breadth and depth of our data and build your training data sets on our data and analyses. This will save you time and ensure that your training data is of high quality.

Data for your Fintech

Benefit from our data and the underlying infrastructure. Build your own product faster and more efficiently and provide your customers with an incomparable user experience.

Data & Infrastructure for your Unicorn Idea

Do you have a disruptive idea that helps private investors or companies with capital market issues to make things more efficient, better or simpler? Work with Bavest as your technology partner and focus on building your product without complex data processing and backend tasks.


Performance & Scaling are Our DNA

Real-time Architecture
With us, you can develop a stable and cutting-edge product. Our API is built on a strong real-time architecture.
Our infrastructure enables you to scale. Our advanced technology ensures that you can easily scale your applications at any time.
Modern Architecture
Our modern architecture with the Bavest AI Engine enables our customers today to be tomorrow's leading companies.

data solutions

Explore our Data Solutions

OUR infrastructure

A Powerful API for your Data Pipeline

At the heart of our infrastructure is our Bavest AI Engine: This high-performance data technology processes millions of data points for various asset classes, calculates models and makes them accessible via the Bavest API, which seamlessly integrates into your systems. The Bavest API enables efficient utilization of data through flexible access, so you receive real-time quotes, financial data and alternative data such as sentiment, ESG & climate data via a single API solution.

Why us

A Strong Technology Partner at
your Site

Single API-Solution
Receive data and analytics from an API and save yourself the high maintenance effort in your backend that you would have with various APIs.
Data on Demand
Do you need a specific data point for a security and would like to receive it automatically via the API? We are in close contact with our customers and can also provide additional data if required.
Simple Model
Only pay for what you really need. No complicated license agreements and transparent pricing.

Talk to us

Work with Bavest

We are excited to get to know you. We will be happy to provide you with further details and an individual consultation.