February 4, 2024

ESG Data API - ESG Data Requirements


At a time when investors and companies are increasingly interested in the impact of investments on the planet, the availability of high-quality ESG data plays a decisive role. ESG APIs have become an important part of the financial infrastructure. But what exactly is behind this topic? How do you identify high-quality ESG data? We take a closer look at these topics in this article.

What is an ESG API and what does it deliver?

An ESG API is an API, i.e. a programming interface, that enables applications and systems to access comprehensive ESG data and analysis. It essentially acts as an intermediary between various data sources and users by providing structured information on environmental, social and governance criteria in a standardized format. This enables companies, investors and other stakeholders to integrate ESG and climate factors into their decision-making processes and make well-founded, responsible decisions.

What does an excellent ESG data API need?

An outstanding ESG data API must meet a number of criteria to meet the needs of asset managers, banks or family offices, for example.

An excellent ESG and climate data API should have the following features:

  1. Comprehensive data coverage: The API should provide a wide range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) data as well as specific climate data for a wide range of companies and industries. This enables a holistic assessment of companies' sustainability performance and climate risks.
  2. Timeliness and accuracy: Data should be regularly updated and verified to ensure that it is current and accurate. This is crucial for making informed decisions and staying up to date with ESG and climate developments.
  3. Data transparency: The API should provide transparent information about how the data is collected, evaluated, and categorized. This enables users to develop an understanding of the origin of the data and to assess its reliability. It should therefore be clear a) which formulas are based and b) where the data comes from.
  4. Customization and flexibility: The API should offer customizable query options and filters to meet users' individual needs and preferences. This allows users to select and analyze the data based on their specific criteria.
  5. Powerful analytics capabilities: The API should integrate advanced analytics tools and features to provide deeper insights into companies' ESG performance and climate risks. This may include carrying out scenario analyses, risk assessments, and comparisons with industry standards.
  6. Ease of use: The API should be easy to implement and use, with clear documentation and developer support. An intuitive user interface and well-structured data help users use the API efficiently and quickly access relevant information.
  7. Security and privacy: The API should implement security protocols and privacy policies to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. This includes measures such as encryption, access controls, and compliance with applicable data protection laws.

An excellent ESG and climate data API should therefore offer comprehensive, up-to-date, transparent, customizable, powerful, user-friendly and secure functions that meet the needs of its users and enable well-founded decisions in the area of sustainability and climate protection.

How do you collect ESG data?

ESG data is collected from a variety of sources, which can be both public and private. Companies regularly publish reports on their ESG measures and performance, which serve as an important source of data. In addition, government agencies and supervisory bodies often collect data on ESG-related topics that are publicly available. Independent research institutes and organizations also conduct studies and analyses on ESG topics, which can serve as an additional source of data. By integrating various data sources, ESG APIs can provide a comprehensive data set that helps users make informed decisions and assess the ESG performance of companies and organizations.

Due to the complexity and diversity of data, it is necessary to apply AI to enable automated and scalable data collection and analysis. There are several ways artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to collect ESG (environmental, social and governance) data:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): By using NLP techniques, large amounts of unstructured data from various sources such as company reports, press releases, news articles, and social media can be analyzed. AI can identify and extract relevant information related to ESG criteria.
  2. Data extraction from financial reports: AI algorithms can be used to automatically search financial reports and corporate documents and extract key ESG information such as environmental metrics, benefits, and governance practices.
  3. Image recognition: For environmental indicators, AI models can be used to analyze satellite images or aerial photographs and identify environmental changes such as forest clearance, air and water pollution, or infrastructure projects.
  4. Social media analytics: AI can be used to monitor posts and discussions on social media and identify relevant ESG issues and trends that can influence a company's image and performance.

What types of climate data & analyses are there?

When it comes to climate data and analysis, there are various approaches and methodologies that can be provided by ESG APIs:

  • Historical data: Historical climate data provides insights into past environmental conditions and trends that are critical for evaluating ESG performance and risks. By analyzing historical data, companies and investors can identify patterns and identify trends that can influence their decision making.
  • snapshots: Snapshots provide up-to-date information on environmental indicators such as CO2 emissions, air and water pollution. This data enables companies and investors to understand the current state of environmental conditions and to react quickly to changes.
  • Forward-Looking Analytics: Forward-looking analytics enable forecasts of future environmental developments and their effects on companies and markets. By using models and forecasts, companies and investors can identify potential risks and opportunities and adapt their strategies accordingly.
  • Scenario analyses: Scenario analyses enable companies and investors to model various climate scenarios and estimate their effects on the economy. These analyses can help companies prepare for possible future developments and develop appropriate strategies.

How the Bavest API provides ESG data & analytics and climate data

Our proprietary system allows us to collect a variety of data from various sources and record it in such a way that we can provide you with a wide range of climate data. We also offer AI-based ESG and climate reporting for funds.

Are you interested in how you can use our solutions? Then talk to us!


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