August 23, 2024

Portfolio Tracker: The Best Portfolio Tracking Tools


The team behind Bavest actively invests in stocks, ETFs and other asset classes. Our startup's team consists of passionate investors who are constantly looking for the best tools to manage our investments efficiently. In this context, we have extensively tested numerous portfolio trackers and created a comprehensive portfolio tracker comparison. Since every investor has different needs and requirements, we have tried to highlight and examine the various advantages and disadvantages of the individual tools in detail.

Selection for the portfolio tracker comparison

For our portfolio tracker comparison, we took a closer look at the following five portfolio trackers:

  1. Parqet
  2. Holistic Capital
  3. Getquin
  4. Copilot financial flow
  5. Portfolio Performance (open source)

Unser Test winner and the portfolio tracker that impressed us the most is Holistic Capital. Therefore, in the Portfolio Tracker comparison, we will first report in detail about Holistic before moving on to the other four tools.

Holistic: Free portfolio tracker for all assets

Holistic is much more than just a portfolio tracker — it's a comprehensive all-in-one tool. On the website, you can use the Portfolio Tracker without logging in via a Live demo try it out. Here are some of the reasons why Holistic scored so well in our portfolio tracker comparison:

Holistic Capital Portfolio Tracker

Holistic is completely free

In contrast to many other portfolio trackers, Holistic is complete gratuitous. While other tools (with the exception of Portfolio Performance) require you to pay between €7.99 and €29.99 per month for Pro and Investor plans, Holistic offers all features without monthly fees. There are no Pro subscriptions and no limited features. According to the webpage Almost 3 billion euros in assets are now managed by Holistic.

All assets in one portfolio tracker

With Holistic, you can manage a wide range of asset classes, including stocks, real estate, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, bank accounts, and an unlimited number of collectibles such as watches, precious metals, sneakers, and more. Practically everything you can invest in can be recorded with Holistic. Some entries are made manually, but an automatic Auto-Connect connection is already available for stocks, cryptocurrencies and bank accounts.

Smart division through portfolio folders

We would particularly like to highlight the general structure of the dashboards and the overall overview at Holistic. When creating portfolios, you can create any number of portfolio folders, which allows clear allocation. For example, we have divided our securities directly into different share types (dividend stocks, growth stocks, etc.) and ETF folders. This function enables a significantly better display of the performance and allocation per portfolio or folder and provides new insights into the profitability of the portfolios.

Easy import via Auto-Connect

Holistic's Auto-Connect provides a simple and secure connection to over 3,600 bank accounts and deposits, making it much easier to get started or switch to Holistic. In our tests, all accounts and brokers were correctly identified and assigned. Compared to the other tools, the import worked best with Holistic.

Holistic Capital Portfolio Tracker

Securities Tracker Holistic Capital

With Holistic, you can track your stocks, ETFs and funds easily and clearly. The Securities Tracker dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your investments, including dividend yields, benchmarking, heat maps, key figures, CEO information, and chart analysis. Thanks to Auto-Connect, you can synchronize all your accounts and portfolios and track them in real time.

Real Estate Tracker Holistic Capital

Holistic's real estate tracker dashboard is really appealing and provides a comprehensive overview of your real estate investments. From performance and value history, to income, investments and rent, to financing and automated repayment plans, you get significantly more options here than with other tools.

Crypto Tracker Holistic Capital

Holistic's crypto tracker dashboard allows you to track your crypto investments including performance charts, winners/losers, and benchmarks. Holistic allows you to import and track your cryptocurrencies quickly and easily. However, there is still potential for additional features here.

Asset tracker Holistic Capital

With Holistic, you can easily manually track a variety of collectibles such as watches, precious metals, classic cars and company investments to unusual assets such as sneakers or Legos.

Benefits of Holistic

  1. 100% free to use for everyone
  2. All asset classes trackable (overall overview)
  3. Car import & real estate are very good
  4. Many benchmarking options
  5. Nice team available at any time via WhatsApp and live chat

Disadvantages of Holistic

  1. The crypto sector can use even more features
  2. No portfolio sharing feature

Download the Holistic app now

To the iOS app or to the Android app

getquin in the portfolio tracker comparison

Getquin is a popular portfolio tracker app that stands out in particular due to its community features. Users can share their portfolios and exchange ideas with other investors. getquin is also available in other languages.

Getquin Alternative

Key Features

  • community integration:

Exchange with other investors and insight into their portfolios. With Getquin, you can almost as with X or Threads Discuss with other investors and share investment strategies.

  • Different asset classes:

Stocks, ETFs and cryptocurrencies are presented attractively at getquin. There is the option to add more assets, such as real estate, but it's becoming clear that getquin is primarily a tool for securities and not a true all-in-one portfolio tracker. The focus is clearly not on additional asset classes and that would not make sense due to the community focus on securities.

  • User-friendly interface:

Easy navigation and use. getquin is a more modern tool. You can link your accounts in just a few clicks. There were slight deviations from the actual value, but the process was quick and easy.

  • Dividend tracking

The dividend overview includes paid dividends, expected dividends and also provides a forecast for future dividends. In our opinion, well presented and interesting for anyone who primarily invests in dividends.

Benefits of getquin

  1. Interactive community features
  2. Dividend tracking is good
  3. Auto depot connection (although with discrepancies)
  4. Can also be used free of charge with restrictions

Disadvantages of getquin

  1. Limited analyses in the free version
  2. Especially the interesting features are chargeable
  3. No proper support for real estate and other assets
  4. VC financed and not independent of investors

Parqet in the portfolio tracker comparison

Die ParqetApp, formerly known as Vault One, provides another option for portfolio tracking. Parqet impresses with its detailed analysis functions in the equity sector and is also independent of external investors.

Parqet Alternative

Key Features

  • Detailed dividend tracking:

Comprehensive analyses and evaluations on the subject of dividends. From charts to activities and additional information such as a dividend calendar, you have some very good tracking options here.

  • Very good PDF/CSV upload:

The uploading of banking and broker data to Parqet via PDF/CSV went smoothly and had only minimal performance deviations. Although the upload process at Parqet works well, the real challenge lies in downloading this data quickly from the respective broker. Unfortunately, this can be very time-consuming and tedious, but Parqet can't do anything about it.

  • Simple design:

The Parqet dashboard provides some really useful metrics, asset summaries, and the portfolio doughnut at a glance. It's designed to be easy to use, so you can quickly find the numbers you need without having to search for a long time. This makes it very pleasant to use.

  • Auto-sync only for selected brokers:

Parqet has been working on auto-sync for selected brokers for some time, starting with Trade Republic and then Scalable Capital. In our portfolio tracker comparison, Parqet's Auto-Sync was slightly less accurate than with getquin and Holistic Capital, but better than with Copilot Financial Flow. Nevertheless, the sync process was quick and was really appealing and simple.

Benefits of Parqet

  1. Comprehensive stock analyses (especially dividends)
  2. Clear and simple dashboard
  3. Accurate data and independence from investors
  4. Large community

Disadvantages of Parqet

  1. Auto-sync unfortunately only for a few brokers
  2. Free subscription is very difficult. You need an upgrade here.
  3. Premium option (9,99€ or 29,99€) unfortunately then very expensive
  4. No support for real estate, other assets, and collectibles

Copilot financial flow comparison

financial flow Copilot is still a relatively new portfolio tracker app in comparison, but it features comprehensive functions for managing your finances. Copilot offers a range of features to monitor spending, analyze budgets, and track assets.

Finanzfluss Copilot Alternative

Key Features

  • Balance sheet: 

With Finanzflow Copilot, you can track all your accounts and assets centrally and keep track of your finances. In our opinion, the app looks a bit like a mix of Parqet and Holistic Capital, as you can track different asset classes here too and get a dashboard similar to Parqet.

  • Clear design here too:

At a glance, the Copilot dashboard provides useful key figures, asset overviews and a portfolio doughnut. It's designed to be easy to use, so you can find the numbers you need quickly and easily. This makes it very pleasant for you to use.

  • Some can be used free of charge: 

The co-pilot is great for beginners, as the basic version is free and simple analyses and presentations are presented intuitively and clearly. A paid monthly subscription is required for detailed analyses, dividend views and comprehensive key figures. Apart from co-pilot, Finanzfluss offers numerous helpful videos via various social media platforms and the website for beginners who want to start investing or expand their knowledge. For more experienced investors and investors who invest in various assets and asset classes, the co-pilot is less suitable, but it is probably not the target group either.

  • Automatic synchronization: 

With Copilot, you can sync all of your brokers, similar to getquin and Holistic Capital. In our portfolio tracker comparison, however, the import value deviated the most from our actual portfolio value. However, as Finanzfluss's tool is still very new, we expect it to continue to improve over time. Finanzfluss works with Rentablo here and hardly completely develops the portfolio tracker itself.

Benefits of Financial Flow Copilot

  1. Features to manage your finances (budgets)
  2. Auto import of your banks and deposits
  3. User-friendly interface

Disadvantages of Financial Flow Copilot

  1. No app available (in planning)
  2. Some features only available in the paid version
  3. Real estate and other assets such as Getquin are rather superficial

Portfolio performance in portfolio tracker comparison

Portfolio Performance is the classic in the portfolio tracker comparison. It is a free, open-source tool that is freely available to any investor to download. Note: Unfortunately, it is not available as a mobile app.

Portfolio Performance Alternative

Key Features

  • Detailed tracking: 

Anyone who opts for Portfolio Performance and takes the trouble to manually enter all assets and portfolio values will have numerous options for tracking their investments. However, it requires a certain amount of training time to learn how to use the Portfolio Tracker. Once you've reached this point and your portfolios are well organized, Portfolio Performance offers comprehensive features and detailed insights into the investment structure.

  • Independence and free use:

Just like Holistic Capital, Portfolio Performance is completely free to use, without monthly subscriptions or limited features. Portfolio performance is also anonymous and independent of banks and investors, which, in our opinion, is an important argument when it comes to financial solutions.

  • Weaknesses of portfolio performance: 

As you can easily see from the dashboard image, Portfolio Performance has an outdated design that is more reminiscent of an Excel overview. Despite this design, Portfolio Performance remains popular with many investors due to its comprehensive features and free use. After adding the assets, Portfolio Performance provides a good overview, but the usability is significantly weaker compared to modern tools. In addition, there is no app, so you are forced to track on the desktop, which can be cumbersome these days. In comparison, Holistic is much more fun due to its ease of use and modern structure, making Holistic a free alternative to Portfolio Performance.

Benefits of Portfolio Performance

  1. Free to use
  2. Good tracking options and analytics
  3. Independent platform (open source)

Disadvantages of Portfolio Performance

  1. No app available (not even in planning)
  2. Very old-fashioned design
  3. Weaker usability

Portfolio tracker comparison conclusion

In the portfolio tracker comparison, Holistic impresses as a holistic and completely free portfolio tracker that supports a wide range of asset classes and is user-friendly. With Auto-Connect and detailed analyses, Holistic offers everything you need to efficiently manage your finances. The committed Founding team is available at any time via WhatsApp, telephone and live chat and works with great dedication on Holistic. The tool is aimed at investors who own several asset classes or assets and are looking for an overall overview. Holistic particularly impressed us, which is why it clearly won our Portfolio Tracker comparison. However, it is important to note that every investor has different needs and requirements. That's why we recommend trying out all the tools and see for yourself.


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