November 26, 2023

The Power of the Transformer Architecture

William Todt

The Transformer Architecture has revolutionized the world of artificial intelligence by introducing a new approach to processing sequential data. Unlike other architectures, the Transformer is not based on recurrent or convolutional layers. At Bavest, we use the Transformer Model to Extract Financial and ESG Data at Scale from a Variety of Different Documents and Formats.

The Transformer Architecture

The transformer architecture is an advanced neural network architecture designed to process sequential data. In particular, it revolutionized the field of machine learning by being based on self-attention mechanisms. In contrast to previous architectures such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) or convolutional neural networks (CNNs), the transformer uses a structure that takes into account the entire input sequence simultaneously, rather than working sequentially or hierarchically. This approach allows the transformer to efficiently capture dependencies and relationships between all parts of an input sequence. Originally developed for processing texts, the Transformer has also proven to be extremely effective for processing images.

The structure of the transformer architecture consists of two main components: the encoder and the decoder. Both components consist of several identical layers, which are referred to as blocks. Each block in both the encoder and decoder contains two main layers: Self-Attention and Feedforward Neural Networks.

The encoder is responsible for processing the input data. Each block in the encoder performs three main operations:

  1. Self-attention: This operation allows the network to capture relationships and dependencies between all parts of the input sequence. It looks at each element in the sequence to determine how strongly it is connected to other elements.
  2. Position-wise Feedforward Networks: This part of the block is a simple yet powerful network that is applied to every position in the sequence and combines the information locally.
  3. Layer normalization: This is a step towards normalizing activations within the network. It adjusts the scales and shifts of activations in each layer to stabilize the learning process and improve model convergence.

The decoder, on the other hand, uses similar blocks but with an additional layer known as Masked Self-Attention. This mechanism ensures that only previous tokens are accessed when predicting future tokens to prevent data leaks.

In addition to these blocks, the introduction of positional encodings plays an important role in the transformer. These encodings enable the model to differentiate the positions of elements in a sequence and place them in the context of the entire input, as the network has no inherent order in input data.

When applying the transformer architecture to image processing, the image is divided into patches, which are represented as sequences of patch embeddings. These patches are then fed into the transformer architecture, which enables the model to extract comprehensive and contextual information from the images.

Image Patching

This is a process in which an image is divided into several smaller parts, called patches or image sections. This approach is often used in image processing, particularly when the transformer architecture is used to process images. Instead of viewing the entire image as a single unit, it is divided into smaller, manageable areas to represent them as sequences of patch embeddings.

Patch Embeddings

These are representational vectors that encode the visual features of each patch or image section in a compact form. Each patch is represented as a vector that contains the information about colors, textures, and structures in that specific section of the image. These patch embeddings are then fed into the transformer architecture as input, which enables the model to extract complex and hierarchical features from the images.

To input an image into the transformer architecture, let's look at the patches as a sequential arrangement of lines. This concept is not new; it is similar to how old cathode-ray tube screens processed image matrices by displaying images from left to right and from top to bottom. What we get is a sequence of fields that is similar to a sentence.

Advantage for Computer Vision

One of the main benefits of using Transformers in computer vision is the ability to process images without the need for manual feature engineering, as is common with traditional computer vision approaches.

Transformer Architecture in the Bavest AI Engine

Here, the Bavest AI Engine extracts text and figures from a given document to generate ESG data

At Bavest, we use the Transformer model to extract extensive amounts of financial and ESG data from various documents and various file formats. The transformer model allows us to analyze and process this data from a wide range of sources. It allows us to extract complex relationships and diverse information from a wide range of documents, whether in the form of reports, PDFs or other text-based sources.

Our use of the transformer model goes far beyond simple extractions. It enables us to gain deeper insights from financial and ESG data by enabling us to identify complex patterns, relationships, and trends. The application of the transformer model helps us to carry out a comprehensive analysis by transforming data into structured and actionable information. This approach allows us to gain data-based insights and make well-founded decisions in the area of financial and ESG analysis.


We are on the cusp of the future, and the potential of the transformer is limitless. Imagine a world in which the Transformer enables us to solve complex problems — from disease diagnosis to climate modelling — with unprecedented accuracy and speed.


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